Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults, Children and Young People Policy Statement
As a foodbank, we want to restore dignity and revive hope to people from all walks of life. We are concerned with individuals and their circumstances and actively encourage an inclusive environment in our work places.
We seek to ensure that all our team members are aware of what is required from them in order to comply with our children and adults with care and support needs protection policy and make sure that it is practised at all times.
It is the responsibility of each one of us to play our part in preventing the physical, sexual, spiritual, financial or emotional abuse and neglect of children and adults with care and support needs.
We commit ourselves to co-operate fully with the appropriate statutory services when they are conducting any official investigation into the abuse and neglect of children, young people and adults with care and support needs.
This statement is to be brought to the attention of all staff and volunteers when they join Slough Foodbank as part of their induction programme. Any amendments will be brought to the attention of all team members. This statement will be displayed at all locations in which the Foodbank operates and staff and volunteers will be asked to sign to say they have read it.
If you’d like to see the full statement please contact our office at [email protected]